ORT America invites you to a Lunch and Learn …
You bring your lunch, and we will bring the experts!
Date: October 29th
Time: 12:00 PM EDT
Zoom link provided upon registration.
Chris Fluehr, J.D., CFP Raymond James
Jonathan Kukin, ESQ Winne Banta Basralian & Kahn, P.C.
Tony Torchia, CPA MARCUM LLP, Accountants and Advisors
October is National Estate Planning Awareness Month—there’s no better time to ensure your charitable giving strategy is optimized for maximum tax benefits.
Who Should Attend
- Individuals interested in including charitable giving in their lifetime and estate plans.
- Those looking to avoid and reduce estate taxes and prepare for upcoming regulatory changes.
- Anyone curious about advanced estate planning tools and techniques like CRATs, CLATs, DAFs, CGAs, QCDs, and IRAs.
Webinar Highlights
- Charitable Deductions: Maximizing benefits through donor-advised funds (DAFs) and private foundations
- Estate Tax: Preparing for federal sunset provisions and state exposures
- SECURE Act: Latest updates affecting estate planning
- Trusts: Leveraging Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts (CRATs) and Charitable Lead Annuity Trusts (CLATs) for tax advantages
- IRA Donations: Optimizing benefits through Charitable Gift Annuities (CGAs) and Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs)
- Essential Tools: Utilizing Durable Powers of Attorney, Payable on Death (POD), and Transfer on Death (TOD) designations