Elevating Israel
Accessible STEAM Programs for Under-Resourced Students

Israel’s under-resourced students could be the future workforce for Israel’s high-tech industry. ORT is reshaping the educational path for students who live in Israel’s economic and geographic periphery and struggle to keep pace with their counterparts in large, wealthier cities such as Tel Aviv.  World ORT Kadima Mada (WOKM), ORT’s operation in Israel, delivers educational programs to advance students’ engagement and skills in critical fields, providing them with opportunities for a successful future that will help sustain Israel’s vibrant economy.

At YOUniversity Centers of Excellence, instructors offer over 40 STEAM courses for thousands of K-12 students in their schools, on kibbutzim and at local community centers. YOUniversity helps young people develop 21st-century skills such as creative problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaborative teamwork, and encourages them to continue their education and to pursue meaningful, productive careers.

Kfar Silver Youth Village in the south educates more than 800 students, a third of whom are boarders, each year. Students receive an excellent education paired with enhanced extracurricular opportunities that are often life-changing for students who often come from broken homes. ORT ensures students receive emotional and social services to help them overcome a myriad of challenges.

For more information contact: info@ortamerica.org