Golf Graphic 4th

Join us and Play with a Purpose!

All proceeds will benefit ORT Kfar Silver Youth Village in the south of Israel near the Gaza border, 20 seconds from safety! Educating 1,100 students including 257 boarding school students, 42 of them fled Ukraine to safety at the village. Kfar Silver provides some of Israel’s most at-risk students with high-level education and social support services. Kfar Silver empowers these underserved students by providing the academic and emotional support they need to overcome barriers to success. Your support is needed now more than ever!

Additionally, we will once again put books into the hands of students at Forest Park Elementary School, located in West Palm Beach.  Forest Park Elementary students are among the neediest in South Florida. On behalf of every golfer and donor, we will make it possible for children at Forest Park Elementary to own a book of their own and take it home.  ORT educates 200,000 beneficiaries in 40 Countries. In 2025 ORT will be 145 years old!

Register Below to Play with a Purpose

$36,000 Name the Tournament (payable over 3 years)– 1 available

·       One (1) foursome for each of the next 3 years (total of four (4) golfers per foursome)

·       Tournament will include your name and or company branding going forward

·       One (1) corporate banner displayed in area of high visibility (sponsor to provide banner)

·       Opportunity to distribute product give-a-ways.

$10,000 Event Sponsor – 1 available

·       One (1) foursome (total of four (4) golfers)

·       Name and or logo recognition on all email communication as presenter.

·       One (1) corporate banner displayed in area of high visibility (sponsor to provide banner)

·       Opportunity to distribute product give-a-ways.

Par-Tee with a Purpose

$5,000 Hors d'oeuvres & drinks – 1 available

·       One (1) foursome (total of four (4) golfers)

·       Name and or logo on cocktail napkins during cocktails and awards

$500 On Course Snack and Drinks Sponsor - 2 available

•             For this additional amount, you will support ORT and help provide beverages and snacks for the golfers

•             Name/company logo will appear on a sign at one beverage and snack table or cart during the tournament

$500 Prize Sponsor - 3 available

•             For this additional amount, you will support ORT and help provide prizes for all the winners

Swinging for Support

$500 Closest to the Pin Sponsor - 1 available

·       Name recognition or sponsor logo displayed on the tee where the contest is held

$500 Straightest Drive Sponsor - 1 available

·       Name recognition or sponsor logo displayed on the tee where the contest is held

$500 Longest Drive Sponsor - 1 available

·       Name recognition or sponsor logo displayed on the tee where the contest is held

Put your Hole Heart and Soul into the game

$200 Hole Sponsor - 18 available

•     Name recognition or sponsor logo displayed at one hole

$1200 Registered Foursome

·       Golf for (4) participants, including golf cart, green fees, on course beverages, lunch, Hors  d’oeuvres & drinks, and awards reception ceremony

$1,300 Foursome and hole sponsor

·       One foursome and name recognition or sponsor logo displayed at one hole

$300 Individual Golfer

·       Golf for (1) participant, including golf cart, green fees, on course beverages, lunch, Hors  d’oeuvres & drinks, and awards reception ceremony