ORT: Where Students Dream, Learn, and Build
October 22, 2023 • 4:00 – 5:30 PM ET • Via Zoom
Join us for the 2023 ORT America Annual Meeting! Students, alumni, and educators will inform and inspire you as we hear about how ORT fosters an entrepreneurial spirit. Learn how ORT is generating new and exciting ways for students to think and grow from kindergarten to high school and beyond.
Program Highlights:
- “From ORT Schools to Promising Futures”: A panel of ORT alumni will share their success stories. Moderated by ORT Argentina alumnus and ORT America Board member Leandro Margulis.
- “Meet with Winners”: Meet the students from ORT Brazil who won first place in the finals for the Southern Hemisphere schools in the Taub Young Entrepreneurship Program (YEP). Moderated by Daniel Tysman, World ORT Head of Education.
- ORT leaders will provide important updates and will recognize leaders and supporters for their outstanding contributions to ORT.
ORT students and professionals will share what it means to…
Dream – ORT enables students to dream big and gives them the tools to achieve those dreams.
Learn – ORT’s high-quality education, strengthened by best practices and a global network of experts, provides unique opportunities to connect with peers from around the world.
Build – At ORT young people develop new ideas and applications for their learning to address the challenges impacting our communities, making the world a better place.
October 22, 2023 - October 22, 2023
12:00 am - 11:59 pm