ORT America Annual Meeting Zoom
Virtual EventORT America’s Annual Meeting will be held on November 20, 2022. As ORT members, you are invited to join the live broadcast via Zoom at 11:30 am ET. The in-person…
ORT America Gala
Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York 36 Battery Place, New York, NY, United StatesCelebrating 100 Years of ORT America, honoring Dr. Conrad Giles. November 20, 2022 Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York, NY
West Coast Region – ORT Wine & Cheese Event
You are invited to celebrate ORT America's Centennial at the home of David and Barbara Cohan Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 7:00 pm PT Barbara Birch, ORT America's President &…
2nd Annual ORT Florida Golf Outing
Indian Spring Country Club 11501 El Clair Ranch Rd, Boynton Beach, United StatesJanuary 30, 2023 Join us and Play with a Purpose! Swing for SuppORT! Put your Hole Heart and Soul into the Game!
ORT Chicago Zoom Lunch & Learn
Virtual EventWe will be joined by Allison Halpern, ORT America's Director of Operations, and Amos Gopher, Director of the World ORT Kadima Mada Kfar Silver Youth Village in Israel. This is…
Ukraine Briefing
Virtual EventORT in Ukraine Briefing: One Year Later Featuring and Mila Finkelshtein, ORT Ukraine CEO Zoom - Thursday, February 23, 2023 12:00 - 1:00 pm ET Click here to RSVP When…
Joe Loeffler House Party for ORT America
Josef Loeffler will be hosting a reception for his friends and community members to learn about ORT America.